

Associate Professor of German, German Program Director, 现代语言

电话: (972) 721-5020

电子邮件: jieidt@softlawinternationale.net

Office: Anselm Hall #108

Dr. Eidt has taught at the 云顶集团 since fall 2006. 他已经被解雇了。 自2009年起担任主席. His teaching and re搜索 interests include the literature of the 19th century, romantic music aesthetics, poetry, 德国歌剧, and German film. He is director of the German Program and a participating member of the Comparative Literary 传统教师. Dr. Eidt has published articles on Rainer Maria Rilke, the intersections of music and literature in 19th century Germany, the films of Werner Herzog, as well as translations of German poetry. Dr. Eidt is also on the board of trustees and Vice President of the Dallas Goethe Center, which promotes German language and culture in the DFW area and which is now located on the 云顶集团, Irving campus 在安瑟伦大厅.

  • 19th Century German Literature
  • 浪漫主义
  • 歌德时代
  • Intersections of Music aesthetics, philosophy and Literature
  • 德国歌剧
  • 诗歌
  • Ph.D., Germanic Studies, University of Texas 奥斯汀分校
  • M.A., German Literature, Didactics of German as a Foreign Language, and Philosophy, Die Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Germany
  • B.A., German and a Philosophy, University of Mississippi
  • Chair - Department of 现代语言 and Literature
  • Associate Professor of German
  • German Program Director
  • Director of the Comparative Literature Program
  • Director of Language Concentrations
  • Testing Chair of American Association of Teachers of German
  • Vice President of the Dallas Goethe Center
  • Chair of Goethe Center Education Committee, pedagogical oversight of German languages 学校
  • Named Commissioner on the Advanced Placement (AP) German Language Redesign Commission
  • Teaching Methodology Instructor, Korean-American Education Commission Teacher Training Program, sponsored by the Fulbright American Studies Institute
  • 英语老师
  • 翻译
  • TOIEC (Test of International English Communication) proctor and ITA Rater (International Teaching Assistant Tester)
  • Interpreter / 翻译 for the St. Francis of Assisi Academy (a European Union backed environmental organization), Strasbourg, France / Eichstätt, Germany
  • 强化德语I-II
  • German Literary Traditions I-II
  • 德国翻译
  • 德国中篇小说
  • 瓦格纳
  • The History of the German Language
  • Advanced German Grammar
  • 德国的文明
  • 现代世界
  • Introduction to German Literature
  • Rainer Maria Rilke, Werner Herzog, Goethe, Thomas Mann, Nietzsche and Kant
  • Intersections of music, literature and philosophy in German cultural identity
  • 浪漫主义 and its reception
  • Reception of German Idealism
  • 德国电影

  • 2019 - Forthcoming 书一章:  “Cave Musicam oder die Problematisierung der Musik im 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel von Goethe, Nietzsche und Rilke.” In:  Rilkes Musikalität, V&R unipress.
  • 2019 - 书一章:  “Man möchte sich fürchten, das Haus fiele ein”; Goethe’s Beethoven-Reception and the 音乐中的元素  歌德的结合剂:  Dialog between Tradition and Innovation Ed. Jacob-Ivan Eidt and Christoph Daniel Weber, 彼得·朗.  
  • 2019 - Co-Editor 歌德的结合剂:  Dialog between Tradition and Innovation, 彼得·朗 
  • Editor "Reading the Beat—Musical Aesthetics and Literature". 人文学科开放获取 journal special issue ed. Issn 2076-0787, 2015
  • "Empathy of Sound and Sublimity of Sight: Music, Image, and the Kantian Sublime in Werner Herzog's Lessons of Darkness" Glossen 35 /2012
  • "Aesthetics, Opera, and Alterity in Herzog's Work" In: The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Literature and Comparative Cultural Studies, Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Tutun Mukherjee, Cambridge University Press, 2013, Reprinted from CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 14.1 (2012) Purdue University Press.
  • "Rilke contra 瓦格纳: Rilke's early concept of Music and the Convergence of the Arts 1900年左右”. Studia theodisca XVIII,2011.
  • "Rilke und die Musik(er). Überlegungen zu Rilkes Musikverständnis im Kontext seiner Zeit" In: Rilkes Welt: Festschrift für August Stahl 彼得·朗, Frankfurt am Main, 2009.
  • "The Dean", Lars Gustafsson's novel Dekanen as world literature and pedagogical text, Modern Language Studies Vol. 35. 2005年第2号.
  • Translation of Select poems by Peter Rühmkorf. Dimension2 7.2/3, 2005
  • Translations of selected poems by Harald Gerlach. Dimension2 6. 2/3 2003
  • Dallas Symphony Orchestra Performance Prelude lecture series:  Gustav Mahler Das Lied von der Erde January 10,11,13, 2019
  • Dallas Symphony Orchestra Performance Prelude lecture series:  WAGNER Tannhäuser Overture; R. STRAUSS Four Last Songs; R. STRAUSS Death and Transfiguration; WAGNER Die Meistersinger Prelude September 27-28, 2018
  • Dallas Symphony Orchestra Performance Prelude lecture series:  LESHNOFF Violin Concerto No. 2 (World Premiere); BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 9, “Choral”) May 24-26, 2018
  • Dallas SOLUNA festival: Discovering Richard 瓦格纳’s Die Walküre - hour long lecture AT&T Performing Arts Center, May 24, 2018
  • Dallas Symphony Orchestra Performance Prelude lecture series:  Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 2 “The Resurrection” Feb. 23-25. 2018
  • Talk on German Immigration for Departmental Symposium – The Burden of History: German Immigration and Historical Identity, 2017
  • Cave Musicam oder die Problematisierung der Musik im 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel von Rilke, Goethe, und Nietzsche – Rilkes Musikalität: Tagung am Institut für Germanistik, Universität Regensburg - forthcoming June 2017.
  • Dallas Symphony Orchestra Performance Prelude lecture series: Anton Bruckner Symphony No. 7 E major and Tchaikovsky Variations on a Rococo Theme February 2-3, 2017
  • Leverkühn's Death in Venice: Greek Antiquity, German 浪漫主义, and Luchino Visconti's film adaptation of Thomas Mann's Death in Venice. Annual Convention of the South Central Modern Language Association November 3, 2016
  • Dallas Symphony Orchestra Performance Prelude lecture series: Johannes Brahms Ein deutsches Requiem and Bela Bartok piano concerto No. 3 October 6, 8, 9, 2016
  • Dallas Goethe Center Symposium – panel on Philosophy and Aesthetics: "Man möchte sich fürchten, das Haus fiele ein": Goethe, Beethoven, and Nietzsche or the problem of music in 19th century German thought" April 22, 2016
  • Dallas Symphony Orchestra Performance Prelude lecture series: Richard 瓦格纳's Die 2016年4月1日
  • "Kaspar's Magic Flute: Soundtrack and Intertexuality in Herzog's Enigma of Kaspar Hauser and Mozart's Die Zauberflöte." Annual Convention of the South Central Modern Language Association 2015
  • Dallas Symphony Orchestra Performance Prelude lecture series: Anton Bruckner Symphony no. 5 in B-flat major October 15-18th, 2015
  • Dallas Symphony Orchestra Performance Prelude lecture series: Mozart's Requiem and Wolfgang Rihm Triple concerto (American premiere) April 16-18, 2015
  • "Empathetic Landscapes: Music and the Kantian Sublime in Werner Herzog's Lessons of Darkness" Annual Convention of the South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA) Austin, TX October 18 – 21, 2014
  • Dallas Symphony Orchestra Performance Prelude lecture series: Chamber works by Beethoven, Haydn, and Schubert – set of 3 lectures 2014
  • "Re-imagining the Other in Film: Alterity and the Musical Sublime in Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo." Film panel Annual Convention of the South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA) San Antonio, TX November 8 – 10, 2012
  • Invited lecture sponsored by the Dallas Goethe Center "Rainer Maria Rilke's poetry and Influence" –November 19, 2011
  • "Rilke, Absolute Music, and the Convergence of the Arts in fin de siècle Europe", Annual Convention of the South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA) 2010
  • "The Habsburg Monarchy and the Development of Absolute Music": Habsburg Symposium 2009
  • "The Case of 瓦格纳 and Germanic Studies or: The Work of Art Beyond Good and Evil" 瓦格纳 Symposium, 2008
  • "Strauss' 瓦格纳ian Salome and Musical Modernity" Salome Symposium and Performance, 云顶集团 / Dallas Opera, 2008
  • Invited lecture: "Teaching Literature in the Foreign Language Curriculum in the 21st Century", University of South Carolina, 2007
  • "Time, Memory and Historical Subjectivity in Wim Wenders Himmel über Berlin" ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association), Puebla Mexico, 2007
  • "Is Tom Cruise a Modern Fridolin? Approaches Toward Teaching Literature and Popular Culture Using Schnitzler and Kubrick" Popular Culture Association /American Culture Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 2006
  • Thyssen Stiftung travel grant to Germany
  • King Haggerty travel award for a conference
  • Awarded semester long sabbatical
  • Elected to the board of trustees of the Dallas Goethe Center
  • Introduction to German Studies Course recognized as among the very best in the nation, top 10 (Exemplifier of best practices) by Educational Policy Improvement Center and 大学理事会
  • All expenses paid for AP Commission Work by 大学理事会
  • Travel and Accommodations grant for Workshop for Advanced Teaching Assistants: Introduction to German for the Professions/ Business German, Goethe-Institute, Chicago
  • European Conference Travel Grant from the Erasmus Institute, University of Notre Dame
  • Recipient of the June and Helmut Rehder Graduate Scholarship
  • Recipient of the Summer Fellowship in Germanic Studies at the University of Texas 奥斯汀分校