

Associate Professor of 英语; Director of IPS-Literature Doctoral Program & 研究生课程 in 英语; Editor of The Wallace Stevens Journal

电话: (972) 721-4087

电子邮件: aosborn@softlawinternationale.net

Office: Braniff #314



Andrew Osborn received his M.F.A. 从 the Iowa Writers' Workshop and his Ph.D. 从 可能. His re搜索 interests include poetic difficulty, formalism, and lyric 理论. 

  • A.B., Harvard University
  • M.F.A., University of Iowa - Writers' Workshop
  • Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
  • Literary Tradition I (Iliad, Odyssey; Aeneid; Beowulf; Gawain)]
  • Literary Tradition II (Divine Comedy; Paradise Lost; Lyric )
  • Literary Tradition III (Fifth-century Athenian, Medieval, and Elizabethan drama)
  • Literary Tradition IV (Mansfield Park; Moby-Dick; Crime & Punishment; Go Down, Moses; 短篇小说)
  • Literary Study I: Lyric ("Junior Poet")
  • Literary Study II: Prose Fiction
  • Twentieth-Century Literature
  • Twentieth-Century 诗歌 by the Book
  • Creative Writing: 诗歌
  • Creative Writing: Narrative Fiction
  • 抒情的理论
  • Modern Irish 诗歌
  • Marilynne Robinson:  Novels & Essays of American Mindfulness
  • American Literature
  • Lyric 诗歌 and Theory
  • Literary Difficulty
  • Modernism and Postmodernism
  • Pragmatism and Ordinary Language 菲尔。osophy
  • 崇高
  • 形式主义
  • Creative Writing (诗歌)
  • “Stevens’s Soil: Intelligence, Conceptual Affordances, and the Genius Beyond.” The Wallace Stevens Journal,卷. 47, no. 2, 2023, pp. 164-194, 缪斯女神.jhu.edu/article/910916.
  • “John Keats (1795-1821 ce) & Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822 ce) at the Keats-Shelley House and the Cimitero Acattolico.” People and Places of the Roman Past: The Educated Traveler’s Guide, edited by Peter Hatlie, Arc Humanities, 2018, pp. 28-41.
  • “Likings, Likenings, and the Push of Reading.” 菲尔。ological Review,卷. 40, no. 2, 2014, pp. 37-64.
  • “困难.” The Princeton Encyclopedia of 诗歌 and Poetics, fourth edition, edited by Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman, Princeton UP, 2012, pp. 364-66.
  • “Like Animals, Like Love."检讨 The Lions, by Peter Campion, Never-Ending Birds, by David Baker, and Horse and Rider, by Melissa Range, Spoon River 诗歌 Review,卷. 35, no. 2,  2010, pp. 94-123.
  • “Habits of Thought, Inhabitings of Possibility: An Interview with John Koethe.” 西南审查,卷. 92, no. 1, 2007, pp. 52-81.
  • “‘A Little Hard to See’: Wittgenstein, Stevens, and the Uses of Unclarity.” The Wallace Stevens Journal,卷. 28, no. 1, 2004, pp. 59-80.
  • “August Kleinzahler: Interview.诗,卷. 17, no. 2/3,卷. 18, no. 1, 2001, pp. 165-90, reprinted in The Verse Book of Interviews: 27 Poets on Language, Craft & 文化、节, 2005, pp. 30-55.
  • Admit Impediment:  The Use of Difficulty in Twentieth-Century American 诗歌. 2001. University of Texas at Austin, PhD dissertation, ProQuest 3008413.
  • “Skirmishes on the Border: The Evolution and Function of Paul Muldoon’s Fuzzy Rhyme.” Contemporary Literature,卷. 41, no. 2, 2000, pp. 323-58.


  • 柏拉图的鸟类饲养场. 奥尔德里奇,2003.
  • 诗歌发表于 美国文学 & 评论, 蝙蝠城评论, 科罗拉多州的审查, 哥伦比亚——《云顶集团4008om》, 埃拉托, 栅栏, Graham House Review, Literary Imagination, 《云顶集团》, 分枝, 西南审查 (Morton Marr 诗歌 Prize for 2008), and Spoon River 诗歌 Review. Also: online through the Blanton 诗歌 Project and 每日节.
“Graceful Errors, Lyric Yields.主题演讲. Wyoming Catholic College. 登陆器, WY. 12月. 2017.
“全Fadom.” Convocation Address. U of Dallas, Church of the Incarnation. 2016年5月.
“Likings, Likenings, and the Push of Reading.主题演讲. Arkansas 菲尔。ological Association Meeting. 阿肯色州小石城. 10月. 2014.