Debra Romanick Baldwin Ph.D.

Debra Romanick Baldwin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Chair, 英语 Department

电话: (972) 721-4051


Office: Braniff #364

Debra Romanick Baldwin obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago's Committee 论社会思想. She is also past president of the Joseph Conrad Society of America.

Joseph Conrad, the psychology of extreme conditions as depicted in modern literature, the artist as critic in the 20th century

B.A. University of Toronto, 菲尔。osophy 和 Political Science
M.A. University of Chicago Committee 论社会思想
Ph.D. University of Chicago Committee 论社会思想

Literary Tradition I, II, IV
The Art of Joseph Conrad
Twentieth Century Literature
Literature of the Shoah
The Art of Saul Bellow
Tolstoy's War 和 Peace
The Romantic Tradition
Literary Study II: Prose Fiction

Joseph Conrad, his ethics, aesthetics, 和 psychology; his relation to 和 underst和ing of Russia,the psychology of extreme conditions as depicted in modern literature, including literature of the Shoah; the artist as critic in the twentieth century.

  • "'Simple Ideas' 和 Narrative Solidarity in "Prince Roman." 康拉德式的 35.1 (2010) (为thcoming).
  • “弗兰纳里·奥康纳,” Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Fiction (Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.)
  • "The Voice of Comedy in 康拉德的 台风 还有普里莫·李维斯 猴子的扳手, Conradiana 38.1 (2006): 17-28.
  • "Augustinian Physicality 和 the Rhetoric of the Grotesque in the Art of Flannery 在奥康纳。 Augustine 和 Literature, ed. K. Paffenroth (Lanham: Rowman 和 Littlefield-Lexington Books, 2005).
  • "The Horror 和 the Human: The Politics of Dehumanization in
    康拉德的 黑暗之心 还有普里莫·李维斯 Se questo e un uomo," Conradiana 37:3 (2005).
  • "Politics, Martyrdom 和 the Legend of St. 康拉德家的克拉 在西方人眼中" in Conradiana, 32:2 (Spring, 2000): 144-157.
  • "Models of Teaching 和 Models of Learning in the Confessions" in Augustine 和 Liberal Education, Kevin Hughes 和 Kim Paffenroth, eds., (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000)15-24.
  • “康拉德的 胜利的影子线" in A Joseph Conrad Companion, Ted Billy 和 Leonard Orr, eds., (Westport, CT: The Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999)231-251.
  • "'The Worker in Prose': 康拉德的 Anti-theoretical Theory of Art" in 康拉德的 Century: The Past 和 Future Splendour, ed. Laura Davis-Clapper (New York: Columbia UP, 1999)189-202.
  • “胜利的坏蛋?' The Puzzle of Haldin's Name in 在西方人眼中," Conradiana, 30:1 (1998): 44-52.
  • "An Introduction to the Crisis of Modernity in Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy, ARETE: A College Preparatory Program 为 High-School Students, University of Dallas, 二零零八年七月二十二日.
  • "The Simple Ideas in 康拉德的 World" The Case of 'Prince Roman,'" 34th Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK), Lincoln, UK, July 2, 2008.
  • "The Voice of Comedy in 康拉德的 台风 还有普里莫·李维斯 猴子的扳手," Modern Language Association's Annual Convention, 菲尔。adelphia, December 30, 2004.
  • "Monsters 和 Meta-narratives: The Case of 《云顶集团》," Association 为 Core Texts 和 Courses 2004 Conference, Irving, April 16, 2004.
  • "Ravelstein 和 the Art of Saul Bellow," Las Colinas Women's Association Literary Club, Las Colinas, 2003年11月3日.
  • "'The Soul of Things Russian': The Politics of a Crime in 康拉德的 在西方人眼中," Las Colinas Women's Association Literary Club, December 2, 2002.
  • "The Politics of Extreme Conditions in 黑暗之心 还有普里莫·李维斯 如果这是 男人。," "Conrad 和 Territoriality" International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society of America, Vancouver, Canada, August, 2002.
  • Plenary Lecture: "Harlequins, Skeletons 和 Red-Eyed Devils: The Horror 和 the Human in Conrad 和 Primo Levi," University of Chicago Basic Program Spring Weekend, East Troy, WI, April, 2001.
  • "Savagery 和 the Human in 康拉德的 黑暗之心," the Africana Studies Workshop, Villanova University, April 12, 2000.
  • "Conrad 和 Dostoevsky on Human Nature 和 Nationality," the University of Pennsylvania Humanities Forum, University of Pennsylvania, April 5, 2000.
  • 征求意见的审查 Zdislaw Najder, Joseph Conrad: A Life (New York: Camden House, 2007) 为 约瑟夫·康拉德今日 32:1 (为thcoming 2008).
  • 征求意见的审查 Conrad in the Twenty-First Century: Contemporary Approaches 和 Perspectives, ed. Carola Kaplan, Peter Lancelot Mallios, Andrea White (New York: Routledge, 2004), 为 Conradiana 37:3 (2006).
  • 征求意见的审查 Joseph 康拉德的 黑暗之心: A Casebook, ed. 基因M. Moore (Ox为d: Ox为d UP, 2004), 为 约瑟夫·康拉德今日 30:1 (2005).
  • 征求意见的审查 康拉德和波兰, ed. Alex Kurczaba (Boulder- Lublin- New York: 1996) 为 Slavic 和 East European Journal, 43:1 (1999) 224-6.
  • 征求意见的审查 Kazimiera Ingdahl, A Gnostic Tragedy: A Study in Stanislawa Przybyszewska's Aesthetics 和工作 (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1997) Slavic 和 East European Journal, 43:4 (2000): 702-4.