

Department Chair, Associate Professor, 心理学

电话: (972) 265-5731

电子邮件: afsmith@softlawinternationale.net


Amy Fisher Smith is a practicing clinical psychologist and associate professor in the 部门 心理学 at the 云顶集团. 她曾担任行政委员 committee of 部门 24 of the American Psychological Association, The Society for Theoretical and Philosophical 心理学 for more than a decade in various capacities, and currently serves on the editorial board of the division journal. 她的研究 interests include 大屠杀 and Genocide studies, the sociology of terrorism and conflict, and the processes of radicalization and de-radicalization.

B.A., 1991, Baylor University, Waco, Texas.

M.A., 1993, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Ph.D., 1999, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.
Minor: Theoretical and Philosophical 心理学
主要指导老师:Brent D. Slife, Ph值.D.

Pre-Doctoral Internship: South Texas Veterans 健康 Care System, Audie Murphy (1998-1999) 部门. 德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥.
Major Rotations: Inpatient Psychiatry, PTSD Outpatient Clinic, Substance Abuse, and 初级保健老年诊所.
Major Supervisor: Stephen Holliday, Ph.D.

Sept, 2007 – present: Associate Professor. Various courses including Introductory 心理学, Developmental 心理学, Personality 理论, Abnormal 心理学, and 咨询. 部门 心理学, 云顶集团.

2001 – May, 2007: Assistant Professor. 部门 心理学, 云顶集团

2005 – present: Practicum Coordinator. Responsible for facilitating relationships with various psychotherapy agencies in the community in order to place graduate students for practicum and internship experience. 部门 心理学, 云顶集团.

2000 – 2001: Clinical Practicum Supervisor. Supervised Masters students in psychological 评估. 部门 心理学 and Special Education, Texas A&米大学 - - -商务.

1999 - 2001年:助理教授. Various courses including Introductory 心理学, History, Personality, Re搜索 方法, and Clinical Practicum. 部门 心理学 and Special Education, Texas A&M大学-商科. 

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Texas license 


  • American Psychological Association (APA) (1991 -现在)
  • 部门 24 of the APA, Society for Theoretical and Philosophical 心理学 (1995 -现在) 
  • Co-Program Chair for 部门 24, Annual conference of the American Psychological 协会(2001) 
  • 部门 24, Executive Committee member, Member-at-large (2001 – 2003); (2004- 2007) 
  • 部门 24, Executive Committee member, Secretary/Treasurer (2009-2012; 2012- 2015) 

费希尔·史密斯,A.沙利文,C.麦克里迪,J.Manzi, G. (新闻). 方法 重点:研究极右翼. 在S阿什,J. 布什尔,G·麦克林, & 冬天(编辑). Re搜索ing the far right: 理论, method, and practice. 劳特利奇.

费希尔·史密斯,A.沙利文,C.弗里曼,E., & 阿隆索,. (2016). 矛盾的事务: Relational Connection and Depthful Dwelling in a Site of Conscience. 大屠杀的研究: A Journal of Culture and History, 23, 1-26.

费希尔·史密斯,A., & 沙利文,C. (2012). 大屠杀. Encyclopedia of Critical 心理学. 施普林格. 

费希尔·史密斯,A. (2011). Naturalistic and supernaturalistic disclosures: The possibility 关系的奇迹. The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 10 (2), 1-13. 

费希尔·史密斯,A. (2010). Incorporating philosophy in every psychology course and why 它很重要. Association for Psychological Science Observer, 23 (2). 

加尔萨,G. & 费希尔·史密斯,A. (2009). Beyond Neurobiological Reductionism: Recovering the Intentional and Expressive Body. 理论 & 心理学,19 (4),519-544.

费希尔·史密斯,A. & 麦克里迪J. D. (2016年4月). De-radicalization and Social Identity in Far Right Extremists: A Qualitative Study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

费希尔·史密斯,A.沙利文,C.弗里曼,E.A,阿隆索. (2014). 对大屠杀的回应 atrocity: A mixed-methods approach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, 华盛顿特区C. 

费希尔·史密斯,A.弗里曼,E.沙利文,C., & 阿隆索,. (2013). 使用混合方法 approach: Examining responses to a 大屠杀 exhibit. 应邀在美国演讲 States 大屠杀 Memorial Museum, 华盛顿特区C. 

弗里曼,E., 费希尔·史密斯,A, Bartkus, AA,阿隆索, & 沙利文,C. (2013). 理解 empathy in 大屠杀 atrocity: A mixed methods approach. 年会上的海报 meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington D.C.

弗里曼,E., 费希尔·史密斯,A, Bartkus, AA,阿隆索, & 沙利文,C. (2012). 理解 empathy in 大屠杀 atrocity: A mixed methods approach. 海报提交给年度 meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington D.C.

费希尔·史密斯,A. (2011). What exactly is a theoretical psychologist? 一次谈话 among division 24 students, professionals, and faculty. 对话时间 at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, 华盛顿特区.C.

费希尔·史密斯,A. & 马修斯米. (2007). 缺少了谁? 持续的歧视 有色人种的潜在学生. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

费希尔·史密斯,A. & 加尔萨,G. (2007). Normalcy, supernormalcy, and finitude: Existential 症状和天职的视界. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA

For more presentations, please see CV.

费希尔·史密斯,A., & 沙利文,C. (2012). 大屠杀. Encyclopedia of Critical 心理学. 施普林格.

费希尔·史密斯,A. (2011). Naturalistic and supernaturalistic disclosures: The possibility 关系的奇迹. The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 10 (2), 1-13.

费希尔·史密斯,A. (2010). Incorporating philosophy in every psychology course and why 它很重要. Association for Psychological Science Observer, 23 (2).

加尔萨,G. & 费希尔·史密斯,A. (2009). Beyond Neurobiological Reductionism: Recovering the Intentional and Expressive Body. 理论 & 心理学, 19 (4), 519-544.

费希尔·史密斯,A. (2005). The dangers of automatically interpreting ‘automaticity’: 决定论的新面貌. 在B.D. Slife (Ed), 偏袒第14版. 麦格劳-希尔/ Dushkin. 

For more articles and reviews, see CV.

  • 2009, Haggar 教师 Award, 云顶集团
  • 2008, Competitively selected to participate in the Jack and Anita Hess Seminar for faculty, Center for Advanced 大屠杀 Studies, United States 大屠杀 Memorial Museum, 华盛顿特区.C. (2008年1月)
  • 2008, 云顶集团, Advisor of the Year
  • 2006, Distinguished 服务 to the 部门 Award, 部门 24 of the American Psychological Association, Society for Theoretical and Philosophical 心理学
  • 2006年,哈格尔国王学者奖
  • 1996, Outstanding 理论 Paper Award, National competition conducted by the Society for Theoretical and Philosophical 心理学 (部门 24 of the American Psychological 协会)
  • 1991年,Phi Beta Kappa会员